Le 31 juillet 1944, l’avion de Saint-Exupéry disparaît… Est-ce à ce moment-là qu’est né le mythe ? Panne ? Erreur de pilotage lol client herunterladen? Abattu par l’ennemi ? Suicide ? Le mystère de sa disparition clôt une vie devenue légende. Le film reviendra, le temps d’un vol, sur les différents moments de sa vie, ses succès et « demi-succès » qui ont contribué de son vivant à donner forme au mythe terminator dark fate german download.
The author of The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, St. Ex to his countrymen, was flying over the Mediterranean on 31 July 1944, when his plane disappeared cheat engine german for free. Did that event give rise to the myth? Did he have a mechanical failure? Was it navigational error? Was he shot down by the enemy? Was it suicide? His mysterious disappearance marks the end of a life become legend herunterladen. The film covers, in the span of a flight, moments of his life, successful or otherwise, that shaped the myth.
Auteur / Autor
Andrès Jarach
Réalisateur / Director
Andrès Jarach
Quark Productions, Ina
Année de production / Production year